Mussa Charles

Machine Learning Engineer | Senior iOS Engineer

I am a Machine Learning Engineer with extensive experience in Python and PyTorch, currently focused on automating Machine Learning pipelines using tools such as Docker and MLFlow. In my role, I train ML and vision models, leveraging MLOps practices to streamline and optimize workflows. Additionally, I handle development tools by setting up Docker-based devcontainers to ensure smooth onboarding and collaboration.

With a background in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and strong skills in mathematics and programming, I bridge the gap between Machine Learning and iOS development projects. I am committed to leveraging technology to create high-performance, intelligent solutions and continuously seek opportunities to incorporate innovative AI/ML advancements into my work. In my free time, I am exploring the Mojo Programming Language to enhance my development skills and expand my technical expertise.


Reprice iOS App

A location based social media app which let users share various products and match them with potential buyers.

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  • Location based app
    • Tracks users current location if permitted and then it compare with the sellers location
  • Share Post
    • Users in any Country can share posts to global audience.
  • Real time Comment feature
    • Users can comment in various posts and the new comments will be updated in real time.

Reprice Home

Reprice Profile

  • Update Profile information
    • This feature let users update their profile any time just like in any other social media site.
  • Follow & UnFollow
    • The app offers the ability to follow other users which in return it will automatically filter posts for users you follow to make it easy to see their posts.

  • Search
    • This feature make it easy to find what you are looking for in short amount of time as long as your search parameter matches the existing products.

  • Direct Message
    • This feature allow users who don't like to post a public comment to directly send a private message to other users.

  • Notification
    • Users reveice push notifications as well as in app notifications when another user comment, follow, like their product or send a direct private message

Reprice Search
Reprice Chat

  • Report offensive users
    • The app give users ability to report other offensive users to me. Upon receiving a reported user I take action by reviewing the report reason and take actions

  • Block & Unblock other users
    • Any time users can block other users if they wish to and immediately the blocked user will loose access to posts belonging to the user who blocked them. Also even though they might have contacted the user who blocked them, After being blocked they completely lose the ability to contact them again.

Reprice Chat
Reprice Chat

Finally the app offer a real time messaging feature


  • Firebase (Realtime Database)
    • A real time database offered by google
  • Firebase Cloud Messaging(FCM)
    • Another technology from google. This technology is used to send push notification to users of my app.
  • IGListKit
    • A very powerful library written in Objective C language by Instagram and uses Diffing Algorithm to automatically remove or add data and update UI. This completely fixed the issue of index out of range or app crushing due to incorrect number items inserted or deleted when you call a UIKit's tableView or CollectionView insertRowsAt method.
  • Texture (AsnycDislayKit)
    • A library originally developed by facebook now mantained by Pintrest. This library helped me achieve smooth scrolling because unlike UIKit all UI elements and networking issues are done on the background thread.
  • FBSDKCoreKit
    • Used for Facebook login.

  • SVProgressHUD
    • Used for animating the loading process.

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WithSe iOS App

A social media app which let users with same interests for particular topics, TV or Radio Sessions discuss in real time

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  • Auto updating Sessions
    • The app is automated to update sessions periodically depending on the pre set session time.
  • Real time messaging
    • Users can chat in real time.
  • Update Profile information
    • Similar to reprice app above this app also offer the ability for users to upate their profile information any time they want.

WithSee Profile
WithSee Chats

  • Like Feature
    • The app allow users to like chats which interests them.

  • Real time updates and fetch users in a chat room.
    • When new user enter a chat room the app automatically update the users count to both the current user and any other user in a chat rooom.

  • Group chat
    • Allows users to have coversation in a group..

  • Report offensive users
    • Similar to Reprice app above this app also give users ability to report other offensive users.

WithSee More
WithSee Profile

  • Block & Unblock other users
    • Block feature is also available in this app.


  1. Firebase (Firestore)
    • A real time database offered by google
  2. IGListKit
    • A very powerful library written in Objective C language by Instagram and uses Diffing Algorithm to automatically remove or add data and update UI. This completely fixed the issue of index out of range or app crushing due to incorrect number items inserted or deleted when you call a UIKit's tableView or CollectionView insertRowsAt method.
  3. Texture (AsnycDislayKit)
    • A library originally developed by facebook now mantained by Pintrest. This library helped me achieve smooth scrolling because unlike UIKit all UI elements and networking issues are done on the background thread.
  4. FBSDKCoreKit
    • Used for Facebook login.

  5. SVProgressHUD
    • Used for animating the loading process.

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Weegle iOS App

A social media app which offers live streaming service, messaging service, e-commerce and many other cool features.

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My Roles

My Roles

  • Linked YouTube list and search API
  • Wrote high performance UI using Texture and IGListKit for displaying YouTube videos for sharing in a chat room.
  • Wrote code for saving and retrieving files from Amazon S3 buckets.
  • Responsible for handling networking calls to and from server.
  • Responsible for AppStore releases, beta test versions and handling issues related to AppStore review process.
  • Currently maintaining the whole codebase.


  • youtube-ios-player-helper
  • IGListKit
  • Texture (AsnycDislayKit)
Weegle Home

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Current Website

The current website is the only website project which I have done until now. I wrote this website from scratch.


To create this website I used the listed tools or languages below.




My Hobbies